Wait for Web Page to Load


The Wait for Web Page to Load command instructs the macro to wait until a web page has finished loading before continuing. This command typically follows a Web Site command. Insert either a partial or complete URL in the URL field of the Wait for Web Page command.



üNote: The Wait for Web Page to Load command only works with Internet Explorer.



Script Editor > Expand Timing Category > Wait for Web Page to Load



This command waits for Internet Explorer to report the URL that it last loaded. With some web pages, the URL requested is not the last URL that is loaded. For these web sites there are two choices.


1.Leave the URL field of the Wait for Web Page command empty. Doing this causes the macro to wait until Internet Explorer reports that it is not busy. This works correctly for many web pages.

2.Enter the actual URL that is loaded last into the URL field. To discover what is the last URL loaded, enter some text in the URL field, perhaps "JUNK" and set the "Wait a Maximum of:" field to something short, like 45 seconds or 1 minute. Then run the macro containing the Wait for Web Page command. After 45 seconds or 1 minute a message will pop up that includes the last loaded URL. It may be necessary to repeat this step with a longer wait time to make sure the web page has actually been loaded. Then, knowing the actual URL loaded last, enter all or part of that URL in the Wait for Web Page command.





Wait Indefinitely

With this option checked, the macro does not resume until the Wait For action specified has occurred. 


Wait at most

With this option checked, the macro waits the number of  hours, minutes and seconds specified for the Wait For action to occur. If that action does not take place within the specified time frame, the macro takes the action selected in the On Error tab.