Get File Version


This command obtains the file version number of the file selected and saves the information to a text string variable or integer variable. This can be useful in comparing two program files to determine which is the later file. Use this command primarily with executable (.exe) files, .dll files, and similar, as these files normally contain version number information.



Script Editor > Expand Variables Category > Get File Version



Retrieve entire version as a string

This option saves the entire version number to a text string variable. The resulting version number would look something like


File to retrieve version from

Press the browse button to locate the file to be examined or type in the full file path and name into the edit box.


Place result in

Select or create the variable to store the file version number information.



Retrieve Individual Numbers

Use this option to save the components of the version number needed. Select from the major, minor, release or build number.


File to retrieve version from

Press the Browse button to locate the file to be examined or type in the full file path and name into the edit box.


Select the desired components of the file version number and save variables.


We will use Macro Express version 4.0a build 1 as an example. The major version number is 4. The minor version is 0. This corresponds to version 4.0 of Macro Express. In this example the release number would be 1, which also corresponds to the letter "a". The build number is 1, which represents build 1. So the version number is Macro Express v4.0a build 1, represented as