File Manipulation


Use the file commands to change, create or delete folders as well as copy, rename, delete or move files. Select the desired function from the Command drop down list. Note: Wild cards may be used in the copy, rename, move and delete "File" commands. Use *.* to perform actions on all files in the folder, *.doc for all .doc files, fa.* for all files that start with an f, etc.




Script Editor > Expand Files or Folders Category > Click on one of commands discussed in this topic.



Delete File or Files

This option deletes the selected file or files. It can be particularly helpful when creating temporary files and deleting them when finished.


File(s) Path/Name

Insert the file name and path or click on the Browse button to locate the file to be deleted.


Delete Files Permanently

Deletes the file so that it bypasses the Windows Recycle Bin. Once deleted it is not recoverable through the Recycle Bin.



Copy File or Files

Make copies of existing files on the computer.


File(s) Path/Name

Insert the file name and path or click on the Browse button to locate the file to be copied.


Destination Path/Name

Insert the new file name to assign to the copy. Optionally click on the Browse button to copy over top of an existing file or to insert the file path and edit the file name.



üNote: This function may also be used for copying folders and the contents of the folder. Insert the path and the name of the folder in the edit field. Or use the browse button to select a file in the folder to be copied. Remove the file name from the edit field so that just the path and folder name remain.



Rename File or Files

Rename existing files on the computer.


File(s) Path/Name

Insert the file name and path or click on the Browse button to locate the file to be renamed.


Destination Path/Name

Insert the name to assign to the renamed file. Or click on the Browse button to insert the file path and edit the file name.



Move File or Files

Move files on the computer to a new location.


File(s) Path/Name

Insert the file name and path or click on the Browse button to locate the file to be moved.


Destination Path/Name

Insert the name to assign to the moved file. Or click on the Browse button to insert the file path and edit the file name.



üNote: This function may also be used for moving folders and the contents of the folder. Insert the path and the name of the folder in the edit field. Or use the browse button to select a file in the folder to be moved. Remove the file name from the edit field so that just the path and folder name remain.


If creating a new folder - the Destination Path/Name, the original folder will be deleted and all of the contents moved to the new folder. If moving the files to an existing folder, the original folder is not deleted but the files are moved into the existing folder.



Rename Folder

Use this option to rename an existing folder.


Old Filename

Insert the folder name and path or click on the Browse button to locate the folder to be renamed.


New Filename

Insert the name you want to give the folder. Or click on the Browse button to insert the file path and edit the folder name.





Show Progress Dialog Box

If this is checked, then a standard Windows dialog box opens displaying each file being copied. If the action takes only a very short time to perform, then the dialog box does not appear.



Recurse into subfolders, if using wildcards

This allows action to be taken on any folder found within the folder selected, if that folder matches the wildcard. For example, if using *.*, a match occurs on every folder name. If the command is to copy *.* and this option is selected, then all subfolders and their contents will be copied as well.